A one-stop, hassle-free solution for all your EDGAR filing needs.
Quick Turnaround
With many decisions made on the day of filing, we’re well equipped to provide a quick turnaround for all EDGAR forms.
By combining your 6-K or 8-K filings with your material press releases, it’s easier than ever to meet SEC requirements, including both Regulation FD and the newer Sarbanes-Oxley regulations.
Submit your documents in almost any format using our secure submission process and we’ll convert them into the required SEC format.
We will send you a proof of the filing for your approval, make any required changes, file your document with EDGAR and provide you with confirmation from EDGAR that your document was accepted.
Our simple pricing structure eliminates all of the guesswork on your end and our quick turnaround time eliminates any worry.
Our EDGAR System hours of operation for submitting documents electronically are 6:00am – 6:00pm EST, weekdays, excluding federal holidays. Files submitted and accepted by the EDGAR system before 5:00pm ET will have the current business day’s date. Documents filed after 5:01pm ET, will receive a filing date of the next business day.